A Texas-based, family owned company that acquires and operates high quality marinas around the country.

Creating blue spaces—a marina’s role in a community’s well-being

Jan 16, 2025 | Blog

As marina owners, we are gifted with one of the most unique opportunities—the ability to create and maintain blue spaces. 

Studies have shown that spending time in or near water has numerous benefits for our physical and mental health, including reducing stress levels and increasing feelings of happiness and calmness. 

Yes, even if there is a beeping Travelift and the tap-tap-tap sound of a survey going on in the background.  

 Blue spaces provide us with distractions that take our mind away from the day-to-day hassles of life,” says Kate Campbell, a health psychology researcher at Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. 

 But marinas are a special type of blue space, at least we at TopSide Marinas believe.  


 Because marinas are often the most accessible and versatile link to the water a community has. Common sights for marinas across the country: 

  •  The family of four loading up the dock cart with snacks, wakeboards, and sunblock, ready for a day on the water. 
  • The group of old college friends who finally all got the same weekend off and are ready to bring home the record catch. 
  • The young couple absorbed in varnishing their teak, pausing to listen to a story from a sailor who has already seen the distant shores they dream about. 
  • The salty old-timer who chats his way down the dock, pausing to rest on the dock boxes and pet the marina cat. 


Marinas are much more valuable than just a place to store the boat. They are often social hubs for a community. For this, they provide an irreplaceable value. 

 We’re curious, how do you maximize your marina’s blue space experience to invite your community in? 

  • Picnic or seating areas 
  • Gazebos/patios/decks 
  • Retail shop 
  • Coffee bar/snack shop/restaurant 
  • Boat or kayak rentals 
  • Marina-sponsored community events 
  • A walking path or viewpoint that is accessible for guests (even if piers are restricted access) 


P.S. Feel free to use these blue space resources as an inspiration your marina newsletter or marketing your marina’s next social event: Nat Geo, BBC, NIH, and WebMD. 


TopSide Marinas is a Texas-based, family-owned company that acquires and operates high-quality marinas around the country. 




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